In-House or Outsourcing: Which is better for Mobile App Development?

App development companies hire app developers in different ways for their projects. Outsourcing and in-house are the most popular options for hiring an app developer. But small companies find a more affordable way to hire app developers for their projects because of a limited budget. In this blog, we will cover the options of in-house … Read more

12 Best Car Pooling and Ride-Sharing Apps

Covid-19 has affected the lifestyle of people greatly especially travel habits. Commuters have started using private cabs instead of public buses and trains to reach offices and workspaces. As private taxi booking is becoming popular, the number of taxi apps is also increasing daily. Carpooling is the latest concept that commuters choose daily to save … Read more

Best Live Streaming Apps to pick in 2023

The trend of live streaming is increasing at a speedy rate these days. After the pandemic outbreak, movie and TV show lovers have gone online to watch their favorite content. Even new businesses and companies are going live to showcase their products and explain the features to the customers. It is estimated that the live … Read more

Best dating apps for the LGBTQ community in 2023 and beyond 

For starters, dating is exhausting. You meet new people, might click with them, and if you’re not interested enough, you move to the next person. But these differences become even more pronounced regarding the LGBTQ community. On top of the confusion of guessing the other person’s sexual orientation and courageously striking up a conversation with … Read more

The ultimate guide to matrimony mobile application development 

  There was a time when friends and family members used to take responsibility for finding suitable matches for eligible bachelors. Nowadays, the job is performed by matrimony mobile apps, finding true and relevant brides or grooms ready to turn into soulmates. These apps leverage leading-edge technologies like artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze … Read more